Saturday, January 29, 2011

Busy Bee

Now that Greta is on the go and crawling, she's having all sorts of fun.

Picking out toys from her toy basket.

She started to pull herself to stand on the couch and loves to stand and play at her activity table.

A door stop...

...and strumming on the air vent makes quite the "music."

She's now able to sit in the tub for baths.

She's also crazy about climbing over, under, and through anything/anybody.

She still occasionally needs a rest and time to chew on strings.

1 comment:

  1. greta, you must be exhausted! your mommy and daddy can barely keep up with you! i guess this explains why you are such a good little napper! i love you, sweetiepie!

    -auntie kathryn
