Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thinking Spring

Even though more snow is predicted tomorrow, Greta and I were thinking Spring today! She went on her first "real" wagon ride. We even dug out the shades and sunscreen. We also blew bubbles for the first time. Greta wasn't too sure about them initially, but when I tried them later she was laughing and had fun popping them.
Seriously, Mommy, why do I have to wear these things on my eyes?

These things are the best!

Maggie had fun popping bubbles, too.

1 comment:

  1. oh honey, i am so glad you decided that you weren't "all done" with your shades. they are too cute!

    you and your mama sure have lots of fun together!

    love and miss you, sweet pea.
    xo. tante
