Monday, July 25, 2011

County Fair

It was the EOT County Fair this weekend, so Greta saw a lot of her animal puzzle pieces in real life. She also enjoyed fresh milk, cheese curds, and a milk shake.

She was really interested in the chick's beak and beady eyes.

No, Greta that's not Maggie. It's a piggy.

She did a great job petting the bunny softly. Such a kind girl :)

Not too thrilled about the carousel ride, but at least she didn't cry. Good think Daddy was there to keep her safe.

Sitting so nice for her caricature.

Our Greta Mary!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you, you little "chick whisperer" sounds like you were really whooping it up at the county fair! I could just eat you up, you look so scrumptious. I love you, babygirl! Smoochies!

