Thursday, October 17, 2013

We've Been BOO-ed!

The other night I went to let Maggie out and found a bucket of treats and this sign.  We were "BOO-ed" by the phantom ghost of Halloween!  We had to make two more treat buckets and deliver them to neighbors without being seen.  Greta got to stay up a little later and go outside when it was dark.  She reminded me, "Don't worry, Mom.  I'm not scared.  I'm brave."
We had to hang the sign on our door, so everybody knows we've already been "BOO-ed."

On a side note, Bryan's aunt, Betty, sent these adorable tag blankets for the kids and bibs and burpies for Gabriel!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Greta, you and your little brother have so much fun in that neighborhood of yours. Oma is so happy that you have so many friends to "BOO" you!
    Only one more sleep, and I will have you both in my arms again.
    I love you! Oma
