Monday, February 22, 2010

"Little Pumpkin"--6 Months

Today I had my 6 month check-up. The baby's heart rate continues to be in the 160's. According the the old wives tale, I guess that means we're having a girl. Dr. Nyhus was willing to bet there's a 50% chance the baby is a girl :) I had my glucose test done today and should get the results shortly. Everything continues to go well. The baby is very active, as I've been feeling/seeing kicks every night. The "honeymoon" stage is almost over as next month I'll be starting trimester three!


  1. I can't believe how much that tummy has grown in just the short time since I've seen you!
    You look beautiful! Love, Mama

  2. Wow, you're really growing! Glad to hear everything's still going well.

  3. You look fantastic Sarah! I'm so excited for you! Sending much love from the East Coast Krumps!


