Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting Closer to "D" Day!

I've come up with 5 signs that I may be getting closer to delivery...
1. People I haven't seen for awhile greet me with a waddle.
2. I can no longer keep up with Daddy shopping.
3. I'm always looking for the nearest chair, stool, or perch to rest.
4. Life is so much easier when I can get Daddy to give me a push/pull to turn or get out of bed.
5. I still find myself trying to suck in to get through small spaces, but it never seems to work.

We have our next follow-up appointment on Tuesday, April 20th. I spent the end of last week going to a pediatric course in Two Harbors. Oma came with, which was so nice. It's probably the last time for quite awhile that we'll have a few days by ourselves.

I measured my waist this last weekend and found out that Daddy and I are now the same size. I don't think he thought it was as funny as I did.

They started on the trim, doors, and hardwood floors at our house. Everything is looking good. After spending another Sunday at the laundry mat, we're really getting anxious to move in.


  1. Could you be any cuter?! I am getting so excited to see the house, it looks so nice! Can't wait to see you again. Love you guys!

  2. Looks like the house is really shaping up nicely. The wood flooring should be beautiful once it's all stained! As long as Bryan's waist doesn't continue to grow along with yours, he should be fine. Loving you, Oma

  3. Awww the house looks so nice and I agree with your 5 signs! But you know you are really close when everyone greets you with "no baby yet" or "are you still here?" Not much longer now!

    Julie Wake
