Tuesday, December 21, 2010

greta and her nanny

it's auntie kathryn here with a guest post. i haven't posted since the day greta was born, so it is such a treat to post again over six months later. i can't even believe what a grown-up girl our little greta is becoming!

greta has been in between daycares, so for the past 3.5 weeks i have had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with my precious little niece.

greta is such a delightful, sweet baby and such a joy to be around! it is impossible to be around her and not fall head-over-heels in love with her! it's amazing what a smart little girl she is and incredible how much she learned and grew while i was there.

a huge 'thank you' to greta's mommy and daddy for letting me stay with them. i will forever remember and cherish the time i was able to spend with her.

so now to the really good stuff - here's what we gals have been up to...

greta and i didn't get out much so in order to socialize with others we went on skype. here is a picture that soon-to-be uncle matthias took of us while we were skyping. greta also loved catching up with cousin henry and auntie sarah.

oh, and we also spent quite a bit of time 'rocking around the christmas tree' in the bjorn over the course of our 3.5 weeks together. the girl loves a good dance party!

we basically had a hug and smoochie fest every single day...whether greta wanted to or not. :)

greta was such a little trooper about letting her auntie dress her up. even if that meant putting her in a dress that acts as more of a shirt and bloomers that are more or less shorts. what can i say? there is nothing cuter than seeing greta in her mommy's vintage apparel.

after calling the local public library and discovering that there weren't any story times appropriate for 6 month-olds (clearly she was puzzled by this), greta and i had to resort to creating our own story time each day.

in between naps, bottles, cereal, and snuggle time, greta and i did have time to debate serious issues - like 'do you think nick and sharon will get back together?'

oh boy, do i love this girlie.

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