Monday, December 6, 2010

Hangin' With S.C.

Greta had a very big day on Saturday as she got to meet Santa for the first time.

Greta anxiously waiting for the big event.

A quick family photo.

All this anticipation and then she wasn't too sure about Santa. There were no smiles once on Santa's lap, and she even started to cry when the photographer tried to get her to laugh. Well, there's always next year :)

1 comment:

  1. Next year meeting Santa will be better, right Greta? I forgot to wish you a happy six-month birthday yesterday. Can you believe that you are at the half-way mark to your very FIRST birthday? We will have the best party ever!
    I love you so very much, my Precious Moment.
    Love, hugs, and kisses, Oma
