Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy V-Day! Greta was all ready to go to Steph's house this morning and deliver her valentines to all her friends.

Along with all the cards in the mail and treats from daycare, Mommy and Daddy had a couple of surprises for Greta when she got home today.

She was more interested in washing off the bathtub finger paints then actually painting with them.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day to our darling little Greta! (and to your Mommy and Daddy too)
    It looks like you had such a fun day, and we wish so much that we could have spent the day with you. We are counting the sleeps until we get to spend some more time with you.
    Loves, hugs, and many many smoochies!
    Oma and Opa
