Thursday, June 7, 2012

Soon to be Two!

Once again I can hardly believe another year has flown by.  Tomorrow my baby girl turns two years old!  These are a few of the things I'd like to remember Greta doing before she was two years old...
1.  Counts to ten.
2.  Has gone pee-pee and poopy in the potty, and even recognized and asked to go poopy.
3.  Knows most of her colors.
4.  Loves to sing songs and dance.  Her favorite songs to sing are Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Wheels on the Bus.  We often wake up to sweet singing on the monitor.
5.  Is very in-tuned to feelings.  Recognizes when people/characters are happy or sad.

We're having Greta's Pretty Pink Puppy Party in a few days with our families, but Greta wanted to bring some treats to her daycare friends as well.

The cake for daycare.

My big girl ready to celebrate her birthday a little early at daycare.

1 comment:

  1. Greta, my baby, it looks like you had such a fun birthday party at Steph's house with all of your friends. I just love the cake that your Mommy made! Opa and I are so excited to come to your birthday party, so we will see you in only ONE more sleep! I love you! Oma
    PS We are so proud of you, and always remember how very kind, smart, and important you are to all of us who love you so much.
