Friday, August 16, 2013


I was lying in bed around 1:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday a little sad as my Mom left after spending about two weeks with us.  I looked around and my babies were sleeping, my house was clean, there was food in the fridge, and life was good.  Thank you for all your endless help with cooking, cleaning, playing with Greta, supporting me, and snuggling and caring for Gabriel.  I love you, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. After reading this post, I am remembering all of the love and support I had from my Mom after the three of you were born. I am so fortunate to be able to pass on the knowledge that she shared with me when I was a new Mom, trying to adjust to my "new normal." Some days are easier than others, but always remember how much you and your family are loved by all of us. It's funny how even Omas can get the baby blues when they have to go back to their lives. I am missing all of you already, and want to thank you and Bryan for sharing this most amazing time of your lives with me. I will cherish those days always, and keep all of the wonderful memories close to my heart.
    I love you, Sarah, and my love for you extends to Bryan and my precious Greta, and now to my darling little Gabriel.
