Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Potty Time

With Greta getting closer and closer to her second birthday, I decided it was time to buy her a potty chair. So far so good. She loves sitting on it, but no tinkles yet. I just hope she's not sick of it when the time comes to really start potty training.

1 comment:

  1. Can it really be time to start potty training???
    Greta, it seems like we just had your first birthday party, now you are on the way to your second one!
    I can't wait until you come to Oma and Opa's house in just a few more sleeps.....Opa and I are so excited to see you and your Mama and Daddy for Christmas. Maybe you could ask Santa to sneak you in his sleigh a little early so you can have a fast ride to our house! I love you my Precious! xoxoxoxxo Oma
