Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Presents, Family, and Love

Our Christmas this year consisted of lots and lots of presents, wonderful time spent with both sides of the family in Hutchinson and Ham Lake, and love.


The beginning of Greta's ripping and tearing began at our house, as Greta opened all her gifts from Daddy and Mommy.

As you can see, she made out quite well.

Ham Lake brought a new trike from her Oma and Opa!

A new book.

Thanks Great Aunt Tillie for this adorable chef's outfit!

Santa brought the kitchen to go with it!


An attempt at a picture with the three cousins.

A look at the horses.

And Greta's favorite...the chicken.

Father and son playing guitar.

Three generations enjoying themselves.

Family pic.


Greta and her "Ry-Ry" were so kind to each other with kisses, hugs, and little pats of affection.

Snuggling with her Oma.

1 comment:

  1. We had the most wonderful Christmas with all of you! Greta, you are such a little sweetheart, and remind your Oma and Opa of your Mommy when she was a little girl (with a little bit of sassiness added to the mix), which we love, of course!
    Thanks also for letting us come to your house for a few days. We can't wiat to get together again so we can go sledding, sneak some more mint treats (shhhh, don't tell your Mommy!), and play, play, play.....I love you, my Precious! Oma
