Monday, May 24, 2010

And the Waiting Begins...

A lot has happened since I've last updated the blog. First, we moved into our new house and now are officially living here. Luckily, we had a lot of help from Gramma and Grampa Gillespie with the actual move and Oma and Auntie Kathryn helped us unpack and clean. I've also had 2 doctor appointments, with the last one being today. As of now I'm about 90% effaced, but not dilated. Baby's heart rate has finally slowed down a little and is in the 140's. Everything continues to look good with the baby's head being down. Dr. Nyhus guessed the weight is probably around 7-7.5 pounds, so I'm hoping our little munchkin plans to join us sooner rather than later.


  1. YAY Sarah! You look fantasitc and so does the new house! We're all routing for you!


    Cousin Emily

  2. Wow Sarah! You look great- but I do have to say that you look like you could have that little one at any time now!! :) I am so excited for you and Bryan. I hope the house is great and I know that you and Bryan will make great parents. I have been wanting to call you, but I know that you have been busy moving plus we have been getting ready for TAvis's deployment. Well, take care and enjoy these last few days of pregnancy although I am sure you are ready for it to be done with. TAke care and I hope we can talk soon!

    Beth (Hope you call and let me know when the little one arrives- I have been thinking of you a lot lately!)

  3. Yay so excited for you two! I keep thinking it could be any day now! You look great!
